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Instagram DM Chatbot

Give your audience the ability to engage and take action directly on Instagram Direct Messages, the world’s most popular social media platform.


Transform your relationships with Instagram DM marketing automation

In 2021 Facebook integrated their Messenger API with Instagram, providing brands access to advanced DM automation for the first time. The ability to instantly reply to all incoming DMs offers brands an amazing opportunity. It’s a channel that offers a personal connection at every step of the customer journey. It can transform hearts, shares and comments into real revenue and frustrated customers into advocates.


Scalable Conversions

Engage customers on a platform they already use every day. Instagram DM marketing allows you to create relevant connections across Instagram at scale.



You can use declared data provided during your DM conversations such as personal preferences, interests, and customer intents to create profiles and segment audiences like never before.



Data collected during your conversations on Instagram can be used across email, SMS as well as your existing technology stack (CRM) to deliver a seamless customer experience that engages and converts.


24/7 Support

A Instagram DM bot can provide automated answers to repetitive questions, lookup large data sets instantly as well as hand over the conversation to a human operator helping you save important resources.



Use conversational AI to understand and respond to your customer’s intents and automate FAQs instantly. Your bot can get smarter with every message using Google Dialogflow natural language processing methods.


Frictionless Remarketing

Retarget your audience with personalised, mobile-first messages. Your DM messages can be automated and follow-up message sequences can be triggered based on specific conversational events and behaviours that help shorten the path to conversion.

Watch Our Webinar

The ability to instantly reply to all incoming DMs offers brands an amazing opportunity. It’s a channel that offers a personal connection at every step of the customer journey. It can transform hearts, shares and comments into real revenue and frustrated customers into advocates.

During this webinar you will learn how Instagram DM automation can act as force multiplier, effectively allowing businesses to acquire new contacts and customers without the fear of being overwhelmed by messages. In addition to responding to user actions, automation can also be used in a proactive manner to advance multi-step campaigns.


Instagram DM bots can be used at every stage of your marketing funnel

Instagram DM automation can act as force multiplier, effectively allowing businesses to acquire new contacts and customers without the fear of being overwhelmed by messages. In addition to responding to user actions, automation can also be used in a proactive manner to advance multi-step campaigns.

01 - Discovery

Help people discover your brand and collect first party data in real-time that can be later used to tailor their customer journey.

02 - Consideration

Engage every person individually at scale with personal recommendations and insights that help nurture the relationship.

03 - Conversion

Shorten the path to conversion and drive move results with a seamless easy to use conversational experience.

04 - Support

Boost customer care by instantly responding to customers in moments of need on a channel they are comfortable with.

05 - Retention

Detailed insights and granular segmentation of people who engaged with your Instagram DM bot will allow you to foster loyalty and boost conversions with data driven remarketing..

Instagram chatbot boosts sign up rates by 348%

The travel brand partnered with us to create a conversational-first approach which provided a more seamless customer experience.  


Popular Instagram DM bot use cases & solutions

People are more likely to buy more, make a purchase, and recommend businesses that offer communication channels that people prefer and use everyday.

Lead Capture

Overcome objections, answer frequently asked questions and provide personal recommendations. Lead Instagram DM bots allow you to nurture the leads in a more natural way.

Product Recommendations

A product recommendation bot can asks questions to better understand a persons preferences. It allows brands to provide detailed recommendations as well as collect insights at a very granular level.

Customer Support

Give consumers easy access to your business on a messaging channel that gets used every day is key to maintaining high customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and lifetime value.

Survey & Feedback

Survey your audience in their favourite social media platform and collect actionable insights that will help transform your business for the better.


A FAQ bot can help educate visitors, overcome objections and improve staff productivity. Turn your browsers into buyers with a well-designed answer bot.

Giveaways & Competitions

Grow your contact list and generate more leads for your business by creating an interactive competition experience inside Instagram. Easy participation, instant leads and automated follow-ups.


Quickly scale your event registration list, automate marketing processes and help participants get information about your event in a social media platform they use every day.

Bookings & Reservations

A reservation chatbot can assist your customers through your booking process. It will save you time and money on manual reservation follow-ups.


Quizzes are a natural fit for Instagram DMs due to it’s easy to use interface. A quiz Instagram DM bot is a great way to quickly grow your subscriber list and collect granular insights on your audience.

"The vast majority of incoming messages are pre-purchase, so brands that use automated Instagram messaging will have a marketing edge."

Instagram DMs at the core of first-party data strategies

The third-party cookies many advertisers rely on are crumbling. To acquire customers and build relationships, advertisers must find new ways to collect date in order to provide tailored experiences and drive high-value traffic to their websites or apps.

With Instagram DMs you can tailor customer experiences in real-time based on first party data across every stage of your customer lifecycle.

On Instagram DMs you can build direct relationships with each user in a persistent and private one-to-one messaging thread that is independent of third-party cookies and the iOS 14 opt-in.

Instagram DM bot entry points

Convenient entry points into your conversational flows – on and off of social messaging platforms  make it easier for people to connect with businesses in an instant and also facilitate channel-agnostic AI. People can interact with your Instagram DM bot in a variety of ways. Every person who sends a message will automatically become a contact.

Entry Point
Social Page
Action buttons (send message) and pinned stories can be added to social media pages.
A chat widget can be used to handle onsite conversations, guest mode is available.
Email & SMS
Clickable ref links that redirect people to your bot can be included within your emails and text messages.
Paid & Organic
QR Codes
These scannable links are ideal for offline materials such as leaflets, guides and menus.
Social Adverts
These click-to-message ads can redirect people to your bot funnels.
Social Comments
Send automated messages to people who comment or reply on your social posts.
Paid & Organic