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Click To Message Social Adverts

Give your audience the ability to engage and take action on popular messaging platforms. Stop sending messages and start creating conversations that generate more conversions.


Shorten the path to conversion with click-to-message ads

People are more likely to buy more, make a purchase, and recommend businesses that offer communication channels that people prefer and use everyday. Messaging is both convenient and immediate, plus it delights people to know they can communicate in a way that is comfortable and secure. It’s easy to see why, since it liberates them from hold times, unanswered emails, and agents who don’t have any context on who they are. Unlike traditional communication channels, messaging facilitates a real two-way connection.


Scalable Conversions

Click to message ads allow you to create meaningful and personalised connections across Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp messaging platforms at scale.



You can leverage declared data and answers provided during your conversations such as product preferences, interests, and customer intents to create customer profiles and segment customers like never before.


Custom Audiences

Stop relying on anonymous website data and interest-based Facebook targeting options. You can create lookalike audiences from specific groups of people who have interacted with your chatbot.


Granular Analysis

Track engagement and retention across your whole audience. Quickly identify bottlenecks that allow you to make conversion driven improvements to your social ad campaigns and conversational experience.


Marketing Automation

Data collected during your conversational experience can be used across email, SMS as well as your technology stack (CRM) to deliver a seamless customer experience that engages and converts.



Retarget your audience with personalised, mobile-first messages. Your messages can automated and follow-up message sequences can be triggered based on specific conversational events and behaviours.

Messages vs Visits

When businesses start advertising on Facebook & Instagram, they often begin with sponsored ads that drive traffic to website landing pages or lead forms.

However, if you have a well designed social messaging chatbot rather than driving traffic to your website, you may find that sending people to engage immediately with your chatbot provides much better results.

Social advertising messaging channels

Facebook advertising gives marketers and businesses access to limitless options to help you target the billions of people who use Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp every month. Create unique customer experiences at scale using chat ad campaigns that send people from your ads direct to your social bot.

01 - Messenger

Engage, convert and support your customers via Facebook Messenger, one of the largest messaging platforms in the world.

02 - WhatsApp

Qualify leads and provide real-time assistance to your customers via WhatsApp, the largest messaging platform in the world.

03 - Instagram DMs

Build connections with your customers via Instagram, the most popular social media platform in the world.

WhatsApp chatbot improves cost per lead by 56%

We created a WhatsApp bot that qualified leads at scale for a debt management company, in resulted in more conversions at a lower cost per lead.


Social messaging bots for marketing

By replacing outdated communication tools for modern ones, businesses are seeing higher customer satisfaction and lower staff costs. These new messaging channels are simple to scale and drive higher customer engagement.

30% more incremental purchases than link ads

On the Meta Platforms Q1 2022 earnings call Sheryl Sandberg Meta’s Chief Operating Officer explained Europe’s largest footwear retailer have built a fully automated virtual shoe assistant to give customers personalized footwear recommendations and promoted it through Click-to-Messenger ads on Facebook. They had an 85% click-through rate and saw 30% more incremental purchases than with their usual link ads.