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Google's Business Messages Automation

Most journeys to conversion will start on Google. Make it easy for anyone to find your brand in moments of needs. Chat instantly with them in real-time on Google search and maps at scale.


Why businesses are using Google Business chatbots

72% of people will make a purchase online if they can ask questions and receive information in real-time, on average chatbots increase sales by 67%.


High-Intent Moments

Speed up your customer’s path to purchase by communicating with them in their moment of need in real-time. Provide automated tailored messaging experiences on a channel they are already using.


Entry Points

Send people into your chatbot from your existing channels such as email, social media, etc. Create persistent connections on Google’s Business Messages from emails, text messages, websites and more.


Re-engage every person who interacts with your bot, create sequence campaigns for Business Messages. Segment your audience directly in Google’s Business Messages using data collected from your conversations. Automate tailored follow up messages that help nurture and establish direct relationships.

Reduce customer support costs

Using a Google Business Messages bot we helped one brand reduce support costs by over $190,000 by instantly answering frequently asked questions at scale.


Shorten your customers path to conversion

A chatbot for Google Business is practical for every stage of your customers lifecycle.

01 - Discovery

Make it easy for people to discover your brand and learn more in real-time.

02 - Consideration

Establish two-way conversations with every individual that allows you to adapt in real-time to their intent and preferences.

03 - Conversion

Boost sales with seamless ecommerce experiences from chat to conversion.

04 - Support

Provide instant support and respond to customer questions in one to one conversations at scale.

05 - Advocacy

Segment customers and re-connect with them using relevant messages.